Joffe & Associés is changing its organisation with the appointment of Fanny Cebrian as General Secretary.


In 2023, Joffe & Associés continues its structuring based on the increase in the competence of the administrative and financial managers, IT and communication services and by appointing Fanny Cebrian as General Secretary at the head of its support services.


The evolution of the firm’s management structure is in line with its sustained growth, its international development, the increase in its workforce and its ambitions for the years to come.


With a Master in Management from NEOMA Business School, Fanny first had a commercial career, specialising for 10 years in document management for law firms.


In 2018, Fanny co-founded the consulting firm Legacy, dedicated to supporting liberal professionals in the management of their general services. From 2020, she joins Joffe & Associés as Office Manager to consolidate and develop the structure in order to support the growth and carry its development projects.


Fanny took up her position as General Secretary on 1 January 2023.

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